Speaking in Riddles

The truth lies dormant underneath concrete and hidden dreams We talk in riddles Answer in rhymes Smile contorted into broken phrases That leave little to the imagination But everything undone Love always, Ayesha

Just be Beautiful

Let's just be beautiful. Smile and wink. Laugh don't think. Shake off your worries. Move quick, talk slick and hurry. Conversations like muddy puddles. Mist falls but fails to saturate. In the midst of a life predicated by happiness that forgets to deliberate. Let's just be beautiful. Love always, Esha

Thank God Christmas is Over

Photo by Darya Grey_Owl on Pexels.com The hanging mistletoe has dried out in mid-air The pine needles of trees That once had presents under them now decorate living rooms Without a cause or reason outside of holiday inertia The smell of cinnamon and nutmeg dissipate The candy canes that reek of peppermint But fail to … Continue reading Thank God Christmas is Over

I’m Back

I took a break from this blog. But I'm ready to come back. To speak in a language that only a bleeding soul knows. Laughing, smiling as though time is bursting to unfold worlds that speak to needy souls. I am back once again. With wind and ice under eagle-like wings giving birth to hope … Continue reading I’m Back