No Limitations

Photo by Archana GS on After years of falling short and crumbling like cheese cake I have finally persevered Pushing back against the falling thunder Swiming against the opposing tide Moving through a world of wonder While fighting to get to the other side Freedom tastes like honey -fresh from the comb It's the … Continue reading No Limitations

Bike Ride

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova on The sun rose that Saturday morning, Blue birds chirp a song of life and passion The bees buzzing brought on anticipation As they landed on unsuspecting flowers in full bloom The colors of red, violet, turquoise and fuschia are vivid They speak to me like the grasshoppers rubbing their … Continue reading Bike Ride

The Wind

Photo by Oleksandr P on Steady, easy but moving forward  The warm breeze lifts my fro  The tight, brown coils, shift from left to right  It shakes like jelly  Then freezes in time  Like a cold case Wrapped up in truth  Transparent like words unspoken But it speaks with force Whenever you think it's … Continue reading The Wind


Photo by Sebastian Arie Voortman on He wore a scarf Wrapped around his neck that nestled into his chest One end rests on his back Black, silver and grey Like a fox that's seen many winter's Knitted, fashioned and made with organic cotton It was thick yet airy The pattern spoke to a life … Continue reading Scarf

A Poetic Thought: All The Reasons

I love you for strange reasons Its the way your eyes rest on mine Or perhaps it's the way you hold your hands As though they're weightless appendages Your dry sense of humor And the way you laugh at your own jokes Your cynical nature coated in sunshine But most importantly... I love you because … Continue reading A Poetic Thought: All The Reasons