
PNG Diamond silhouette, design element by Suphanan Kongniratsaikul I have seen a wounded animal fight to the death for a chance at life. I have seen birds of prey become the prey while hunting the adversary they thought was weaker. How often do we count out the people who have endured the most? The people … Continue reading Precious

A Small Ode to Love

Photo by Gabriel Bastelli on Love is frail Yet strong It is loud but silent Encompassing all And nothing It moves like the breeze Is noticable to the naked eye But still remains unseen It is the core And the bedrock of simple and complex things It is the beauty of the sun going … Continue reading A Small Ode to Love

The Core of Men

Photo by Adonyi Gu00e1bor on Love doesn't count if it's counted It can't be measured It is and has always been infinite A heart calls for it Like a baby crying for it's mother after leaving the womb We give up on love to easily And forget it's power too soon It's not tangible … Continue reading The Core of Men

Out Of The Blue: Love’s Glory

Love's Glory Today, I witnessed the longevity of a love that sprouted from a determined seedling planted in fertile and unforgiving ground. Upheld by strong roots that flow and stretch endlessly toward the heat of the Earth's core. It's reach is only surpassed by branches that sail effortlessly through open air, connected to stems that … Continue reading Out Of The Blue: Love’s Glory


Waiting deep in the bosom of eternity behind a shattered rib or two at the core of a restless heart you will find me... waiting for you   Love always, Esha ❤