Long Overdue

Photo by Micah Boerma on Pexels.com I'm sorry is just a phrase until you put the words into action. Oftentimes, I have looked for changed behavior in others but neglected it's utility in myself. I found it easier to point my finger at those that hurt me and see myself as the injured party. But … Continue reading Long Overdue


PNG Diamond silhouette, design element by Suphanan Kongniratsaikul I have seen a wounded animal fight to the death for a chance at life. I have seen birds of prey become the prey while hunting the adversary they thought was weaker. How often do we count out the people who have endured the most? The people … Continue reading Precious

Embarrassing Journal Post: Get Your Eagle On

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com I been a dark skin sista all my life. Whether in a afro, locks, relaxed or tightly bound braids. I have spent my days as a black woman through and through. During my youth, I spent many days and nights feeling as though my blackness never matched up to societal … Continue reading Embarrassing Journal Post: Get Your Eagle On