
Photo by Maria Pop on Pexels.com My Father wasn’t a warrior in a typical sense. But he was a fighter to me. When a good man takes a stand even if it’s just for a second the world stands still. The tide shifts, the bedrock shakes and a new day full of blue skies and … Continue reading Wisdom

To Love

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com To try and try till better days come To love in-spite of potential pain Grasping onto roses and risking the bite of thorns To reach for dreams that few can see To believe and hope with the wind in your hair Moving to uncharted places for the sake of love … Continue reading To Love

Rant: Business Vs. Pleasure

Know the difference between business and pleasure. Some of y'all got the game messed up. Not all co-workers are friends and work should always come first. When you blur the lines things can get complicated. I done seen people spend over a decade at a dead end job just to have kick it buddies. Think … Continue reading Rant: Business Vs. Pleasure