The Wind

Photo by Oleksandr P on

Steady, easy but moving forward 

The warm breeze lifts my fro 

The tight, brown coils, shift from left to right 

It shakes like jelly 

Then freezes in time 

Like a cold case

Wrapped up in truth 

Transparent like words unspoken

But it speaks with force

Whenever you think it’s done blowing

It just gets worse

To feel the push and pull

From whence it came

An origin unknown

Cover our faces,

Looking for a safe home

It is beautiful

Like an invisible hand

Moving things in the land

Yet and still

We look for ways to run from the wind

Without succumbing to the strength of it

But how would we know it was there otherwise?

Adding to the moment like chocolate syrup on vanilla ice cream

It is the relief of summer

The breath of spring

The swirling, burnt orange leaves of fall

And the bite of winter

Love always, Ayesha

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