
PNG Diamond silhouette, design element by Suphanan Kongniratsaikul

I have seen a wounded animal fight to the death for a chance at life. I have seen birds of prey become the prey while hunting the adversary they thought was weaker. How often do we count out the people who have endured the most? The people that we believe will never recover or heal from their life threatening injuries. But once the scars heal and the tears have dried hope rises from the ashes.

Fear has stopped many people from recovering. The fear of opening old wounds from an injury that healed improperly. Many of us have endured torture at the hand of an unjust world. But in the midst of pain and suffering is strength and resilience. It permeates the core of the human soul that desperately searches for courage.

A piece of coal will never form into a diamond without pressure. I believe many of us are that piece of coal in transition to being a diamond. Being hidden underground is a perfect place to keep precious things. Don’t clamor for people to understand a process that few have undergone. You are rare and irreplaceable. Because you started off good and you became better over time.

Love always, Esha <3

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